Monday, December 31, 2007

What is Shamanism?

What is Shamanism?

The word Shamanism came out of the Mongolian word for their spiritual priest and healer. The word became popular from the studies done by various Western anthropologist. It is my understanding that Mongolians prefer the word Tengerism instead of Shamanism because Shamanism means worshiping the Shaman. The Shaman is respected for his or her abilities to bring balance to the world which is given to them from their spirit helpers but the Shaman is not worshiped.

Because of anthropologist all sorts of spirituality got called Shamanism and they are from totally different cultures and are different from the Mongolian pathway.

This also happened to Native Americans as well with people thinking all Native Americans are exactly the same. People don’t seem to understand that the different Nations have different religions and different cultures. It would be like saying the Germans are exactly like the Americans in culture and that is not true.

There is also core shamanism which was developed by the well known anthropologist Michael Harner who says he took all of the aspects of shamanic pathways that were the same and therefore got to the core of the spirituality without the culture.

The Shaman

In Mongolia as with the Native Americans there are many types of healers. Bone setters, herbalist, etc which are also important. The Shaman was the one with an extra soul that was called since birth. Therefore not everyone is a Shaman.
The main function of the shaman is to restore and maintain balance in his community. Shamans conduct blessings, rituals of protection, hunting magic, and divination. They also cure sicknesses that have spiritual causes such as spiritual intrusions, spiritual pollution, soul loss, and curses. Shamans are also the caretakers of traditional culture. Because of their knowledge of ancient tradition, their counsel has been sought throughout the ages.

Monday, December 17, 2007


What is a Dreamcatcher?

A dreamcatcher is a traditional Ojibwa object called asabikeshiinh (dream catcher) or bawasjige nagwaagan (dream snare). These objects were handmade on a willow hoop on which a loose net or web is woven and it is decorated with personal and sacred items such as feathers and beads.

What happened to Dreamcatchers?

Dreamcatchers originated in the Ojibawa Nation and during the pan- Indian movement of the 1960s and 1970s were adopted by Native Americans of other Nations. They had at one time became a general symbol of identification with peoples from Native American or First Nations cultures. However during the New Age movement they became an object of popular culture.

Traditional use of Dreamcatchers

The traditional Ojibwa dreamcaters was made from a web of sinew tyed around a round or tear-shaped frame of willow. The completed dreamcatcher would be hung above the bed of the children as a charm to protect them from nightmares while sleeping. According to Terri J. Andrews in the article "Legend of the Dream Catcher", about the Ojibwa nation in the magazine World & I, Nov. 1998 page 204, "Only good dreams would be alowed to filter through ... Bad dreams would stay in the net, disappearing with the light of day.
To see our dreamcatcher earrings please click on the Dreamcatcher earring link.
Dreamcatcher earring link

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Natural Cleaners

Natural Cleaners
A lot of the modern cleaners are full of noxious chemicals. Here is a list of some natural sustainable cleaners to use as an alternative. They are safe natural items that are healthier for human, animal and Earth. I feel as a Shaman it is my duty to teach people about better more natural ways of life to help them, Earth, and all the creatures and the rest of the invironment. As a Shaman all things have spirit and must me respected.

Baking Soda: Use baking soda as a replacement for cleanser. It is a mild abrasive and deodorizer.

White Vinegar: Naturally deodorizes by abosorbing odors and not just coverning them up. The vinegar smell dissipates with drying.

Salt: For rust stains and soap scum, salt is a wonderful abrasive. Just sprinkle on and then scrub with your sponge soaked in essential oil water. sweet orange oil is an excellent degreaser and works well on soap scum too.

Cornstarch: Deodorizes by absorbing odors in fibers.

Borax: Cleans, deodorizes and disinfects.Essential oils: Lemon and Sweet Orange cut through dirt and grease. Eucalyptus oil kills dust mites and airborne bacteria.

Tea tree oil is antibacterial and antifungal.

Toilet Bowl Cleaner: Sprinkle baking soda inside toilet on al surfaces. Mist with a mixture of 1 cup white vinegar and 1/2 oz tea tree essential oil. Let sit for a few minutes and then scrub with toilet brush. For tough stains, make a paste with lemon juice and borax and apply to stain. Let sit for 5 minutes and then scrub with brush.

All Purpose Cleaner: Dissolve 1/4 cup of baking soda in warm water along with 1/4 ounce of sweet orange or lemon oil. Use on counter tops and floors.

Furniture Polish: Mix 1 cup olive oil and 1/2 cup lemon juice. Shake well and apply to a cleaning cloth. Use a dry cloth to remove excess oil from furniture.

Carpet Freshener: Pour a box of cornstarch into a jar along with 1/4 oz of lemon essential oil. Shake well and then let sit for 24 hours. Punch holes in the jar top so you can sprinkle it using a hammer and nail. Lightly sprinkle the powder on your carpets, let sit for 15 minutes and then vaccuum.

Natural Cleanser: For areas where something a bit abrasive is needed, sprinkle baking soda onto area and then scrub using a damp sponge. For a little more cleaning power, mist the baking soda with a mixture of 1 cup white vinegar and 1/4ounce lemon essential oil.

Dust Mite Prevention: Dust mites, a leading cause of allergies, can be contianed with eucalyptus oil. to kill dust mites in bedding, wash linens in hot water and add 1/4 ounce of eucalyptus oil to the cold or warm rinse cycle. Mist the mattress pad and/ or mattress with pure eucalyptus essential oil before putting on clean sheets.

We carry pure essential oils in our ceremonial oil section. These essential oils come in convient packaging with droppers. Please if used on skin be sure to dilute. Use one to two drops in one ounce of jojoba oil. Here's a link to get your lemon and sweet orange essential oils. Lemon Essential Oil, Sweet Orange Essential Oil.

Disclaimer: L. & T.A. Frank and Family is not responsible for any illness or allergies that result from using the above information. Check with your doctor before using to make sure it will not affect your health.