The Sacredness of Trees
Trees are very sacred. Not only are trees sacred by our modern science but spiritually as well. Science tells us that our weather is changing. One of the reasons for this is the disregard for the value of trees and the constant cutting them down. Also, tree deep root bring up nutrients for plants with lesser root systems. Trees also leave valueable mulch in their leaves for building up vital soils. Trees are the habitate for all types of insects, birds, pollenators, and other creatures. Trees help prevent soil erosion. Trees exchange carbon dioxide for oxigen. Trees have medical properties that we use even in todays modern medicine.
On an everyday person point of view. Trees provide shade for a hot summers day. Trees are beautiful. Some trees provide food not only for animals but for people too.
On a sacred level. Trees have individual personalities. Trees represent the three worlds. Trees are portals to various worlds. Trees are healers. Trees are wisdom. And when a tree is used sacredly as a peace tree or oboo it is especially important to treat it with respect. It is then important to smudge it with smudge ( sacred smoke from burning sage, sweet grass, or sandalwood incence). It is important to give it sacred drink ( tea, water, and milk) .
It is important that trees be respected.
A respected tree gives many blessings to a society. A disrespected trees brings problems even though most people now days don't see this because they live in a pretend land. But, just look at the global environmental problems and you can see that all of us must change and learn respect for all of the creation.
Shaman Amy Frank
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