In my tiredless effort to supply as many peoples as possible with spiritual supplies, I have come up with a new program that I am really excited about.
As we have said. We want everyone to "Walk In Beauty" in a manner that works best for them. As a Shaman I am taught that there is no only one pathway to God and spirituality and therefore all pathways must be honored and respected. So I worked out with many of my suppliers to drop ship items from them to you in the United States of America.
This drop ship program makes me able to carry a much wider selection of spiritual and daily living items. Also, to make it more simple, I've made the shipping on all drop shipped items free.
Come back often as we continue as often as possible to add more new and exciting items.
So far we have added copper bracelets, New Age clothing, eco- friendly bamboo clothing, some semi precious stone jewelry, and will very soon add, palm fiber sandals, New Age purses, boxes made from art glass, soap stone, tin, and we will be expanding some of the items we used to have by adding new items like mirrors, pendulums, singing bowls.
We hope you all will like the changes we have made.
Many blessings
and keep walking in beauty
click on the Shaman Metaphysical Store link to enjoy all the new items we have.
Still Drop ship is not so easy because you have to enter the details of each customer on your supplier's site when he or she makes purchases. Another biggest problem is finding the true drop shipper because of high volumes of internet scams and fake drop ship directories.
Dear Jack,
I do not steal from my customers. I've been in business for eight years. I would never deal with a scam company. It does not bother me to enter detail of my customers on the supplier's site. And I also have items that are not drop shipped. The items that I have myself and make myself are sent usps. So anytime you see a product that is shipped via UPS. It is drop shipped. I've tested my supplier and they do a real fine job. If you do not wish to order anything drop shipped then please order the items that do not say they are shipped UPS. Thanks for your comment. It's great to know someone reads my blog.
Many blessings.
Shaman Amy
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