What is a Dreamcatcher?
A dreamcatcher is a traditional Ojibwa object called asabikeshiinh (dream catcher) or bawasjige nagwaagan (dream snare). These objects were handmade on a willow hoop on which a loose net or web is woven and it is decorated with personal and sacred items such as feathers and beads.
What happened to Dreamcatchers?
Dreamcatchers originated in the Ojibawa Nation and during the pan- Indian movement of the 1960s and 1970s were adopted by Native Americans of other Nations. They had at one time became a general symbol of identification with peoples from Native American or First Nations cultures. However during the New Age movement they became an object of popular culture.
Traditional use of Dreamcatchers
The traditional Ojibwa dreamcaters was made from a web of sinew tyed around a round or tear-shaped frame of willow. The completed dreamcatcher would be hung above the bed of the children as a charm to protect them from nightmares while sleeping. According to Terri J. Andrews in the article "Legend of the Dream Catcher", about the Ojibwa nation in the magazine World & I, Nov. 1998 page 204, "Only good dreams would be alowed to filter through ... Bad dreams would stay in the net, disappearing with the light of day.
To see our dreamcatcher earrings please click on the Dreamcatcher earring link.
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A dreamcatcher is a traditional Ojibwa object called asabikeshiinh (dream catcher) or bawasjige nagwaagan (dream snare). These objects were handmade on a willow hoop on which a loose net or web is woven and it is decorated with personal and sacred items such as feathers and beads.
What happened to Dreamcatchers?
Dreamcatchers originated in the Ojibawa Nation and during the pan- Indian movement of the 1960s and 1970s were adopted by Native Americans of other Nations. They had at one time became a general symbol of identification with peoples from Native American or First Nations cultures. However during the New Age movement they became an object of popular culture.
Traditional use of Dreamcatchers
The traditional Ojibwa dreamcaters was made from a web of sinew tyed around a round or tear-shaped frame of willow. The completed dreamcatcher would be hung above the bed of the children as a charm to protect them from nightmares while sleeping. According to Terri J. Andrews in the article "Legend of the Dream Catcher", about the Ojibwa nation in the magazine World & I, Nov. 1998 page 204, "Only good dreams would be alowed to filter through ... Bad dreams would stay in the net, disappearing with the light of day.
To see our dreamcatcher earrings please click on the Dreamcatcher earring link.
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