I had the pleasure of having a very beautiful Mongolian person be my friend. She did so much for me in all her generousity. I would like to help others who may be interested to get to know these wonderful people.
There is a Mongolian chat which I truely enjoy at Asia Finest. http://www.asiafinest.com/forum/index.php?showforum=65
They chat about all kinds of issues affecting Mongolians. It is a great place to visit and learn about Mongolian culture, make some friends, and just plain chat. They are very open to anyone as long as there is respect for them and their culture.
Another grand thing is the Byki software. It's just wonderful for those wanting to learn Mongolian. I am awful at languages but even I am learning Mongolian with this software.
If you want to do some language exchange. I've had wonderful results with my language exchange. I've even been able to chat with others in other countries. Lots and lots of fun. http://www.mylanguageexchange.com/SignUp.asp?msg=1&showmenu=1&lang=
Many blessing